I remember one of my teaching assistant's story about why he being a teaching assistant (TA). He said that he loved to dedicated his life to serve for unversity and also he very proud to be part of it. Very emotional and inspiring story for me in that time. In the next semester I became a TA. And the one million question is, what is the motives for me for being a TA. First, I think I will get some respect and pride from everybody especially mw fellow. TA identical with smart and smart is sexy isn't it. Second, I will be paid for teach eventhough it not very big but more than enough to buy me lunch and cigarette. Third, I will be helped to recall my memory about some basics economic lesson which is I need to finish my minithesis.
I always believe that people moves by incentives. I think to tell emotional story in front of the class could be a motive. Some of your student will proud and give some respect to you. But just some of them, excluding me of course.
weleh2 ga percuma lo gw sekolahin di UI bro...ajarin gw juga yaw...siipp trus lah berkmbang trus lah menjadi lebih..jng pernah puas..dan jangan pernah merasa lebih terhadap ilmu..siip
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Hubungi Ibu Amanda melalui salah satu email berikut. amandaloan@qualityservice.com atau amandaloanfirm@cash4u.com atau Anda dapat menghubungi saya melalui email saya untuk arahan lebih lanjut ikmahusnah@gmail.com
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