In many country, student (college student) identic with student movement or student activism. Not only to making changes in university but student activism also have major role in broader political event. In Indonesia, student movement repeatedly play a key role to brought down bad government. But what motivate student to do something like that. Are they really care about this country. Or there is other motives behind them. Every action must have motivation.
Every people need a recognition by others because it will make them feel good. College student also need it in colleges lifes. According to my supervision there are three type of how student attract others attention in order to get some recognition and respect. First, some students enjoy to show off their opulence. For example car, cellphone and apparel. Second, some students choose to be the best in academic activity. That will make them feel smart and be recognized by others. Third, the other students prefer to be activist in campus. Join student demonstration and yelling critical oration will make them looked care, brave and, of course, cool. Similar case in high school students street fight (Tawuran) in Jakarta. High school student also want to looked brave, cool and recognition from others. The more you brave and got injured the more respect you get. Hidup mahasiswa, hidup rakyat indonesia (hidup rangga cipta).