This world today is a mess. People killing each other for various reasons. Afghanistan, Irak, Palestine, Somalia have been changed to killing field. High tension relationship between "nuclear country" is threatening the whole world. Is there any way to stop this war?
I recently saw Watchmen and have to say that it was a very good movie. In the edge of nuclear war between Soviet and United States which could destroy earth, Nite Owl (Patrick Wilson), set up an ultimate plan to stop it. The plan is to destroy New York City with a super power energy. The goal is to deceive and make both country realize that there does exist other dangerous side which is stronger than them. One option left for them is to merge and united to face the common enemy together. In the end, peace prevail on earth.
A shortcut to make peace in this world is to create a common enemy, whatever it is. Common enemy leads to common purpose. Trying to convince this world about aliens existence, would be good way to unite this world.
Is this a movie review? I just bought the dvd.
watchmen, i don't think that was a good movie...
but the story about oil and rusia make many impact for the other side of the world..
I recommended H1N1 as the common enemy..haha
engga ngajak-ngajak :(
banyak bokepnya ini filem le..
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